Success Stories

With more than a decade in this industry, we have perfected our offering. We never cease to learn and are always inspired to innovate, which ensures that we stay at top of the competition. We have overcome design challenges, helped our clients’ businesses reinvent their identity, and fulfilled orders in record time. We follow a customized approach for every brand we assist. We have listed a few case studies that will shed light on the nuanced approach we have followed to serve our clients during our 12-year journey.
Parsons – Consultant Boxes & Binders
Our consultant client Parsons has won an award for the best submission made.
Sobha – Calendars
Sidel, Ericsson, Alstom & Four Seasons Hotel (DIFC and Kuwait) – Branding
Internal company branding on several floors including posters, stickers, frames, name plates, signage, frosted glass panels which matched their corporate identity color and guidelines.
Etisalat Academy, Terrapinn and Fleming Gulf – Events
Addressing large venues with attendance of high government dignitaries for backdrops, stages, award ceremonies and gala dinners.
Etisalat – SIM Cards packaging
Catering for entire UAE region VDP prints of SIM and GSM no’s on thick paper then packaged and distributed.
Etisalat – Yellow Pages directory stands
Sturdy and appreciated stands that stood the test of time from withering away due to rough use of display and usage of very heavy telephone directories.
Shukran – Landmark Group – Loyalty Card Launch
Managed the entire gulf requirements of VDP printed loyalty card brochures within record time frames.
GardaWorld – Notice Boards
Unique information distribution notice board which was versatile enough to be transported all around the world and ready to use immediately.
Thuraya – 3D Backdrop
Innovatively cut Styrofoam that was displaced and displayed to symbolize the breakthrough launch of their product.
Cartier – Invites
Exclusively personalized invitations printed as books for an HNWI event in the region.
Shisaba – Menus and Boxes
Among the entire gamut of branding items that were done, the Menus and Boxes stood out marvelously admired.
Carnival Cinemas – Standees and movie launch posters
Spreading the word of upcoming movie releases to all emirates and neighboring countries within curtailed deadlines.